Code of Conduct

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Workplace Relations

In order to promote a healthy and safe working environment that allows room for both organisational as well as individual objectives, all departments should strive to create a working environment that:

  1. Values individual differences and cultural diversity of employees.
  2. Provides equal development opportunities based on performance-related feedback.
  3. Seeks employees input in providing suggestions for the development of objectives and improvement of services.
  4. Is fair, equitable and safe.
  5. Is free from harassment and discrimination.
  6. Is supportive and motivates employees to present and adopt creative ideas.

Personal Responsibility

Employees are required to comply with the standards of ethical conduct as stipulated and required by their work. Specifically, employees must:


  1. Observe all rules, regulations, decisions and instructions related to the performance of official duties.
  2. Behave in a manner that maintains and enhances the reputation and professional standing of the organisation in general, and their department in particular.
  3. Perform their duties with care, diligence, professionalism, and integrity.
  4. Strive for the highest ethical standards, not just the minimum required to meet legal or procedural requirements.
  5. Treat colleagues with courtesy and be sensitive to their rights and duties.
  6. Deliver outstanding quality services to customers (internal and external alike), and adopt a friendly and helpful attitude in dealing with the public.
  7. Avoid waste, or the extravagant use of public resources.
  8. Not take, or seek to take improper advantage of any official information acquired in the course of official duties.

Compliance with the Law

Employees must fully comply with the laws effective in the country.
Any employee who commits an offence shall be subject to disciplinary actions, in addition to any penalties or procedures applied by other laws.

Employees shall not use their positions or relationships established in the course of their duty to inappropriately influence or interfere with action being contemplated by the internal or external investigation authorities.

Disclosure of Information

Employees must not, at any time during or after their employment, divulge any confidential (by nature, or pursuant to directions issued,) oral or written information relating to the department or any other department under Al Jeri, without prior written authority.

The above “information” includes, but is not limited to: any letters, maps, reports, drawings, presentations, specifica- tions, forms, licenses, agreements, or any other type of information that belongs to any of the departments of Al Jeri including hardware, USBs, mobiles, Hard Disks, equipment, etc.

Upon termination of employment, the employee shall return immediately: all documents, papers, files, materials, tapes, disks, programs, and other property (whether containing confidential information or not) which belong to his/her department.

For the purpose of this policy, all employees shall sign a non-disclosure and an undertaking of confidentiality agreement.

Any breach of the NDA policy shall be referred to an “Administrative violation Committee” for assessment and actions. If required, relevant articles (such as article 80) can be recommended by the committee for effective enforcement.


All employees must avoid any type, sort, or form of bribery or corruption.

Under the law of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a bribe involves giving a payment, or providing a service or any giving of either commercial or moral value to a public employee, for the purposes of: perverting the normal course of business by taking improper or illegal actions; or enabling, or speeding up a process which employees are required to perform as part of their work.

Departments must investigate any suspected or reported cases of bribery. If an official investigation confirms that an employee has given, taken, or requested a bribe, the employee is to be referred to the judicial authorities in addition to being subject to disciplinary actions within the company.

Gifts and Hospitality

Business gifts are defined as items given as part of valid enhancements of business interests. Examples of legitimate business gifts include, but are not limited to: fruit baskets, flowers, cookies, cakes, and promotional items such as pens, mugs, or T-shirts. Tickets to shows or events when not accompanied by a third party business representative are considered gifts.

None may accept business gifts, nor allow third parties, such as family members or friends, to accept business gifts on their behalf, except when one of the following conditions applies.

  1. Employees may accept project recognition awards bearing the name of the companies such as plaques, shields, honours cups, or certificates for successful completion of a strategic or key project milestone or project completion.
  2. Business gifts which may not be returned for cultural reasons or because they have already been delivered and return is not possible, such as perishable food items. Such items are to be distributed evenly among the office of the recipient.

Regardless, GCHRO must be notified such that they may prepare a letter addressed to the gift giver, thanking them for the business gift but informing them of Al Jeri’s policy of not typically accepting business gifts.

Receiving payment for services that are normally rendered without charge, such as presenting at a professional conference, is unacceptable is to be declined.

The monetary limit for giving business gifts is the approximate equivalent in local currency of SAR 1000 per Recipient, per event, with an annual cumulative limit of once per year to the same recipient.

Neither the offering of, nor provision of the following is permitted.

  1. Cash (including an honorarium), cash equivalents (e.g. checks, vouchers, gift cards) or loans.
  2. Favors, employment or internships, including to family members or associates.
  3. Charitable Contributions or Sponsorships in order to obtain or provide an improper advantage. Al Jeri shall not use its corporate social responsibility programs, for the purpose of favorably influencing the outcome of a business transaction, nor will it use its corporate social responsibility programs in a manner that may give the appearance of trying to favorably influence a business transaction.

Any business gifts that cannot be returned due to unforeseen circumstances, yet are in violation of the acceptable gift limits and policies above are to be submitted to GCHRO, which maintains a log of such items.

Business Hospitality refers to meals, lodging, travel, or entertainment provided where the main purpose thereof is valid enhancement of business interests. Examples include, but are not limited to: meals surrounding business meetings, social events, sporting events and activities, airfare, car service, and standard hotel rooms. Tickets to shows and sporting events are only considered hospitality with an accompanying third party business representative.

Business hospitality received is limited to the approximate equivalent of SAR 500 in local currency, per recipient, per event, excluding expenses for lodging and travel. The annual cumulative limit is twice per year from the same giver.

Business hospitality rendered may not exceed approximately SAR 750 per recipient, per event, excluding expenses for lodging and travel. The annual cumulative limit is twice per year to the same recipient

All activities pertaining to business gifts and hospitality are to be reviewed by the departmental head and approved by GCHRO and a compliance manager. Furthermore, all business gifts and hospitality is to be rendered in the name of Al Jeri International Investment Co. or one of its companies, not in the names of individuals, nor may employees use personal funds for such purposes.

Departmental heads or higher may, under exceptional circumstances, approve the giving of a business gift, or the giving or receiving of business hospitality exceeding the limits set out above. This requires consultation with a compliance manager and GCHRO as well as reporting thereof to the audit committee.

If an employee violates the policies above without reporting to the authorities mentioned, the Al Jeri group is not liable for claims, objections, legal cases and so on, raised by the third party. The employee is to face legal repercussion decided by GCHRO, GCEO and a compliance manager.

Political Activities

Employees should not be involved in any political activity while in employment with Al Jeri unless prior written approval of the concerned authorities has been obtained.

None may accept business gifts, nor allow third parties, such as family members or friends, to accept business gifts on their behalf, except when onEmployees shall also avoid participating in any such activities which might impact the company adversely, and shall ensure to protect the company from any religious, national security or political concerns.e of the following conditions applies.

Any such activities if noticed, identified or reported shall be referred to an “Administrative violation Committee” for assessment and actions, and if required relevant articles (such as article 80) can be recommended by the committee for its effective enforcement.

Conflict of Interest

A conflict of interest is a situation where an individual, or the organization that they represent or have an interest in, has a real, potential, or perceived direct or indirect competing interest with Al Jeri.

This competing interest may result in the individual, or others related to them, or the entities in which they have an interest, being in a position to benefit from the situation, or in the organization not being able to achieve a result which would be in the best interest of the organization. Conflict under this policy shall be interpreted broadly.

HR Internal Communications

HR Departments should handle their HR related internal communication within the organization, in line with the guidelines set by the HR Department in this regard.

Any external communication shall be managed by the centralized corporate Communications Department

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