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Building the Foundations for a Progressive and Brighter Future

Sustainable Investment

Transforming to serve the needs of an ever changing society

A trusted name in strategic investment with an eye for sustainability, Al Jeri Investment showcases a diverse portfolio focused on delivering value in key areas. In accordance with our commitment to integrity Al Jeri runs lean and clean, incorporating transformative techniques to sustainably expand the foundations of society in advance of tomorrow’s growth.

Companies Diverse sectors to create reliability
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Employees Providing livelihood to a broad cross-section of society
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Business Partners Achieving mutual business growth through strong and reliable relationships with our partners.
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30+ Years of Varied Experience


Years experience working

Sectors We Serve

Our diverse portfolio provides opportunities for growth in a robust and reliable manner. Even when a given sector has been faltering globally, our overall enterprise has maintained an upward trend.

Sustainable Investment

Deriving sound strategy from the union of opposed processes

The problems of today cannot be tackled solely by the solutions of yesterday. However, rushing to deploy every latest innovation without due consideration for potential conflict with time tested techniques would be similarly ill-advised. Our investment strategy relies on the process of finding harmony between these seemingly opposite outlooks.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Doing our part in all our undertakings

We work with communities local to our work, to build networks of support that create essential foundations for their future prosperity. In addition, we endeavour to help regenerate and heal an environment scarred by prior human activity, and push onwards towards the propagation of methods that will avoid such damage in the future. See how Al Jeri prioritises ameliorating conditions in all our endeavours.

Social Impact

Making a Positive Difference

Al Jeri is exploring multiple avenues for advancing towards and reaching our climate environmental targets.


The greatest share of our environmental efforts are focused on renewable energy sources, such as solar, which will feed into other clean energy technologies which we also invest in, such as green and blue hydrogen.


We work hard to implement techniques to minimize our waste, and the re-integrate as much material as possible into our production cycles. Contributing to the circular economy is a way not only to give back, but also to receive of its bounties.

Investor Relations

Grow with us

From our robust financial profile, to our transparency and ethics with regard to our corporate governance, investors have a plethora of reasons to support and trust Al Jeri.

News & Media

Keep up to date with what’s new at Al Jeri

A trusted name in strategic investment with an eye for sustainability, Al Jeri Investment showcases a diverse portfolio focused on delivering value in key areas.